“Dedicated to the memory of all who proudly served and protected their country.”
Which Organization Are You Interested In?


Sons of the American Legion

American Legion Auxiliary

American Legion Riders
Special Events

Yardley Fest for the Vets: A Community Oktoberfest
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- 4S.A.L. Meeting7:30 pmSons of the American Legion membership meeting is the first Tuesday of every month. , ...
- 5AL Post 317 Executive Board Meeting6:30 pmAL Post 317 Executive Board Meeting , ...
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- 9Super Bowl 595:00 pmGreat Win for the Philadelphia Eagles and advancing to the Super Bowl on Feb 09th, 2025 The Post will have a Super Bowl Party on Feb 9, 2025 The post will Open at 5:00pm not 3:00pm and there will be a Pot Luck Style Dinner. Everyone in attendance, please bring a dish for everyone to share. Come root for the Eagles and , ...
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- 11Legion Riders Meeting4:00 pmLegion Riders Meeting , ...
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- 18Legion General Meeting7:30 pm
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- 25Auxiliary General Meeting7:00 pmAuxiliary General Meeting , ...
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Become A Member
Legionnaire Membership Eligibility Requirements
Your 2023 dues are now due to the Legion. These dues have to be paid by the end of December. We prefer that you pay directly to the Legion, but if necessary please pay directly online, however please note that we do not receive confirmation that you paid to the state for some time. That is why we prefer that you pay directly to the legion.
If you have served federal active duty in the United States
Armed Forces since December 7, 1941, and have been
honorably discharged or are still serving – you are eligible
for membership in The American Legion!
*Because eligibility dates remain open, all active duty members of
the U.S. Armed Forces are eligible to join The American Legion at this
time, until the date of the end of hostilities as determined by the
government of the United States.
Adapted from www.legion.org
Membership Dues
- Yearly Dues are $40.00 per Year
- All dues are required by December of the year prior
- Legionnaires: $40.00 Per Year